Potret Israel Porak-poranda Dibombardir 340 Roket Hizbullah

2 months ago 18

CNBC Indonesia News Foto News

Foto Internasional

AP Photo, CNBC Indonesia

25 November 2024 13:00

People check their family's damaged house at the scene where one of the projectiles fell, after projectiles crossed over to Israel from Lebanon, amid ongoing hostilities between Hezbollah and Israel, in Rinatiya, Israel, November 24, 2024. REUTERS/Itai Ron  ISRAEL OUT. NO COMMERCIAL OR EDITORIAL SALES IN ISRAEL   REFILE - CORRECTING

Potret ini diambil Minggu, 24 November di Israel. Sebelumnya dilaporkan bagaimana ratusan missil Hizbullah menyerang negeri itu, Sabtu. (REUTERS/Itai Ron)

People check their family's damaged house at the scene where one of the projectiles fell, after projectiles crossed over to Israel from Lebanon, amid ongoing hostilities between Hezbollah and Israel, in Rinatiya, Israel, November 24, 2024. REUTERS/Itai Ron  ISRAEL OUT. NO COMMERCIAL OR EDITORIAL SALES IN ISRAEL   REFILE - CORRECTING

Hizbullah menembakkan roket ke sasaran di jantung Israel, di Petah Tikva, Nahariya, dan Haifa. Menurut tentara Israel, sekitar 340 roket dan proyektil ditembakkan dari Lebanon ke seluruh Israel. (AP Photo/Oded Balilty)

People check their family's damaged house at the scene where one of the projectiles fell, after projectiles crossed over to Israel from Lebanon, amid ongoing hostilities between Hezbollah and Israel, in Rinatiya, Israel, November 24, 2024. REUTERS/Itai Ron  ISRAEL OUT. NO COMMERCIAL OR EDITORIAL SALES IN ISRAEL   REFILE - CORRECTING

Mobil-mobil dibakar dan bangunan-bangunan rusak berat. Warga di wilayah terpadat di Israel berlindung di tempat perlindungan dan ruang aman.(AP Photo/Oded Balilty)

People check their family's damaged house at the scene where one of the projectiles fell, after projectiles crossed over to Israel from Lebanon, amid ongoing hostilities between Hezbollah and Israel, in Rinatiya, Israel, November 24, 2024. REUTERS/Itai Ron  ISRAEL OUT. NO COMMERCIAL OR EDITORIAL SALES IN ISRAEL   REFILE - CORRECTING

Mengutip Al-Jazeera, Senin (25/11/2024), sistem pertahanan udara canggih Israel- irone dome- tidak mencegat semua roket. Beberapa orang dirawat karena luka-luka, di mana satu orang digambarkan mengalami luka serius. (AP Photo/Francisco Seco)

People check their family's damaged house at the scene where one of the projectiles fell, after projectiles crossed over to Israel from Lebanon, amid ongoing hostilities between Hezbollah and Israel, in Rinatiya, Israel, November 24, 2024. REUTERS/Itai Ron  ISRAEL OUT. NO COMMERCIAL OR EDITORIAL SALES IN ISRAEL   REFILE - CORRECTING

Roket Hizbullah juga terus berjatuhan di malam hari. Bahkan ada yang sampai Tulkarem di Tepi Barat. (AP Photo/Oded Balilty)

People check their family's damaged house at the scene where one of the projectiles fell, after projectiles crossed over to Israel from Lebanon, amid ongoing hostilities between Hezbollah and Israel, in Rinatiya, Israel, November 24, 2024. REUTERS/Itai Ron  ISRAEL OUT. NO COMMERCIAL OR EDITORIAL SALES IN ISRAEL   REFILE - CORRECTING

Di Lebanon, lebih dari 3.500 orang tewas akibat serangan Israel, sementara sekitar 1,2 juta orang telah mengungsi. Di Israel, sekitar 90 tentara dan hampir 50 warga sipil tewas akibat pertempuran di utara dan invasi darat sejak awal Oktober. Lebih dari 60.000 warga Israel di utara negara itu juga telah mengungsi sejak konflik memuncak. (AP Photo/Francisco Seco)

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